BREAKING BREAD: William Paterson University

Breaking Bread: Artists Explore Food Practices features painting, sculpture, photography, installation, and performances that examine our multifaceted relationship to food. While eating is generally a mundane daily routine, this exhibition considers how we find our food, with whom we consume it, and what meaning is created through these experiences. Artists include: Ruth Borgenicht, Juanli Carrión, SPURSE, and Marion Wilson. 
Ruth Borgenicht creates unconventional eating vessels such as oversized ceramic spoons, conjoined cups, and ropes to engage participants in orchestrated, communal eating. In her experimental meals, participants experience a new way of consuming food which depends on sharing, coordination, discovery, and an openness to collaboration. These interactive activities also encourage individuals to reconnect with the physical world and be more conscious of food sources.
November – December, 2017

Visitors were invited to join the feasting on the floor, which included discovering foraged foods, cracking open hickory nuts and sharing their finds. Visitors could also interact with the displayed communal eating tools including ropes that connected wrists and long-handled spoons.